Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas from Home!!!

First, I want to thank you for all of the prayers that we may be home for Christmas. We went for a pre-Christmas check yesterday just to insure that we could stay home for the rest of the week. Doing WELL! Because Chloe is doing so well and we are at the halfway point, we are going to be able to stay home until the beginning of round 4 after the first of the year as long as no problems arise before then.
God is good!

Second, I want to thank you for helping us have the best Christmas Ever!!! We delivered the gift bags to the families on the 21st and it was such a joy to experience the real meaning of Christmas. They were so grateful. Even though I live on that floor 90% of the time, I had not met so many of the families due to being isolated with the kids being so sick. I talked with parents who have it much more difficult than we do. One parent let me know that her child may not make it until Christmas. Pray for these families and give thanks for your healthy ones.
God is good!

Third, I want to thank Lake Oconee for making this Christmas easier on these families by the visit from Santa and the Elves with gifts for all of the Children and families. They brought a lot of smiles to faces that really needed it. It was truly a day to behold!
God is good!

And last, Ray and I are 43 years old and both agreed that we had Christmas for the first time this year!
Merry Christmas from Ray, Stacie, Bailey and Chloe.

1 comment:

  1. Love you guys!! Hope you all had a very happy, deserving Merry Christmas and only the best wishes for you in 2010...can't wait to hug your little girl again :)
